Monday, January 08, 2007

Visit to CT-Besuch in CT

Wir waren uebers Wochenende in CT,u.a.bei Bianca.Einen Nachmittag haben wir bei Ramona verbracht,deren Pferd.Bianca hat es geritten und anschliessend wurde ich gedraengt auch einmal auf Ramona zu reiten.
Es waren sage und schreibe 22 Grad C gewesen und das am 6.Januar.
Over the weekend we went down to CT and visited Bianca among other things.One afternoon we spent time with Ramona, their horse.Bianca rode her and afterwards she made me get on her as well.
We had 72 F that day and this although it was January 6.Amazing!


T said...

that is a beautiful looking horse....although Horses scare the bejeebers out of me I still love to watch them run, there is nothing like it to see one of those creatures run like the wind.

Dunja said...

Yes, they are amazing!