Sunday, January 14, 2007

Last time FLOOR-Zum letzten Mal BODEN

Also nun sollt Ihr auch sehen wie es aussieht.Uns gefaellts! Super Arbeit von Volker!Und hinter den Kulissen sieht er so aus...fix und fertig...
Well, now you should see the end result as well! We like it! Great job by Volker! And behind the scenes he looks like this now....pretty tired.....


Priscilla said...

Hurray! It looks great! You go and take a well-deserved rest, Volker! I see you've already gotten yourself a beer!

Pedi said...

Sieht klasse aus!!!

Gudl said...

Ganz toll geworden! Sieht schoen aus.

T said...

rest on brother! drink up you deserve it! great floor! enjoy the fruits of your labor! or your hops.....get it? LOL,ahaahha!
how do the dogs do on it with their nails? see you still have the dog I like. boomer?

Dunja said...

Yes, Boomer.We still have him...
the floor is very hard and sturdy, no problem.Yes, the hops...after such a project well deserved and don't forget, we are Germans!

Gemma said...

Hey, sieht escht guuut aus!!

Wir haben am Samstag auch schonmal nach einem schönen Boden für unser Wohn - und Esszimmer geguckt, sowie nach Fliesen für Küche, Flur und Badezimmer.....aber bis dahin ist es leider noch ein weiter Weg....seufz ;-))

T said...

hahahha, yes I LOVE my beer! my hub won't go to the october fest with the kids, so I never get to try out the "good" beer. :(
so their nails don't scratch the floor is what I ment. that is one thing i worry about with the wood floors. although easier to clean. :)