This was our first Thanksgiving in this house! I must say it was a nice day with my oldest daughter Bianca visiting along with my sister and family.Our turkey was just perfect and we all had a great time! Good times always fly and before long we had to say Good-bye again!
Dies war unser erstes Thanksgiving im neuen Haus! Ich muss aber sagen es war ein schoener Tag mit meiner aeltesten Tochter Bianca und meiner Schwester und Familie zu Besuch! Der Truthahn war perfekt und wir hatten alle eine gute Zeit miteinander! Immer gehen diese schoenen Tage so schnell vorbei und bevor wir uns versahen mussten wir wieder Abschied nehmen!
ewwwww you put my picture up
Yes, why not? You have nothing to worry about!
Bianca, you are a beautiful girl....your mother is right, you have nothing to worry about! was a gorgeous day!
Who is that very attractive young man with the striped shirt in the second picture? Oh. That's me. :D Actually I'm making a stupid face, but I like your blog, Dunja!
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