Friday, November 17, 2006

The animals in our family-Unsere Tiere

Mit den Jahren hat sich die Anzahl unserer Vierbeiner auch vergroessert!Alle sind wir tierlieb und unsere Hunde, Katzen und unser Pferd sind fuer uns Familienmitglieder geworden!Sind sie nicht alle suess?

With the years we took more and more animals in.Since we are all animal lovers we see our dogs, cats and our horse as familymembers !Aren't they all cute?


Anonymous said...

A horse !??? When did you get a horse?

Anonymous said...

mom your so funnny. lol you have a blog. thats really funny.
its nice though. hehe


T said...

I love the wired hair dog! and the cats on the counter! how fun.