Friday, December 22, 2006

Tribute to my friend -Ehrung meiner Freundin

Meine liebe oesterr.Freundin, die wie eine Mutter zu mir war, ist nun verstorben.Sie hatte lange gelitten! Sie ist endlich im Himmel! Ich werde sie sehr vermissen!
My dear friend from Austria,who was like a mother to me, passed away! She suffered from a long illness.She is in heaven finally! I will miss her so much!


Priscilla said...

I am sorry to hear of your loss. I am glad she is in heaven.

Gudl said...

I am very sorry, too, that you lost your good friend and that she had to go so soon. I know you will miss her dearly. You have been a good friend to her and I know she will look down from heaven!! Thank God, she IS in heaven, because she knew the Lord. My condolences also to her family!

T said...

I am sorry as well, I know how much friendships are important to us all,
but rejoice that she is with our father! she is done with this suffering on earth and can rest.
I will pray for you that your time of greif is short.

Dunja said...

Thanks...but I am taking this harder than I thought...