Auf meinen Spaziergaengen mit den Hunden gehe ich auch oefter an diesen Schienen vorbei.Zweimal die Woche faehrt ein Zug hier durch, man kann sogar vom Haus aus hoeren wie er sich ankuendigt mit seinem Tuten.Ansonsten sehen die Schienen so verlassen aus und man fragt sich wohin sie fuehren.
Some of my walks with the dogs bring me alongside these railway tracks.Twice a week a train pulls through here and even from the house we can hear it announce its arrival by blowing the horn.Otherwise these tracks look pretty much abandoned and I am asking myself where do they lead.
This time of year I can see the train from my house because of no leaves. In all my walks along there, it's never come by at the same time.
Come to think of it...I haven't run into you yet either. I did see Gudrun once with Abby before she moved out where she is now.
I walk on different stretches to keep it interesting.
I'm going to try that. (today) There is a trailhead by my I always end up on the same section.
Where is that?
In town. Kind of near Ontario and East streets.
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