Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Every year we are keeping the tradition of an Adventseason.Primarely with an Adventwreath and some Adventcalenders.Sometimes I make them myself, like this one for Tobias.Bags filled with little surprises for every day leading up to Christmas-Eve.Or we make some stars and crafts ourselves and display them.
Jedes Jahr halten wir uns an die Adventstradition.Hauptsaechlich mit einem Adventskranz und Adventskalendern.Manchmal mache ich die auch selber, wie dieses Jahr den fuer Tobias.Gefuellte Papiertueten mit kleinen Ueberraschungen die bis zum Heiligen Abend gehen.Oder wir machen selber Sterne oder andere Sachen die wir dann aufhaengen.


Priscilla said...

Well! What a surprise I had. As soon as I saw the railing, I knew where you lived! You live in my friend's old house on "A" road! I was so stunned that I called my husband to show him. We looked at your previous posts and saw Tobias waiting for the bus. My husband went and got an old picture directory from our church and the house numbers match!

I've been in your house. I've been over there for coffee! Very small world we live in.

Priscilla said...

An added note: my friend's husband built the house.

Priscilla said...

Sorry to keep bothering you...I'm just so amused by this. If I had only seen the post from Oct 26th...I would have known before. I never loooked that far back at your posts until now!!

Gemma said...

sehr schöne Advents-Deko!

Dunja said... I know who they are, we emailed several times, but I haven't met any of them.
We are not sure how long we will live in the house though.It has its pluses and minuses being so open.
If you want to come for coffee again-come on over!

Dunja said...

Danke Lucia, bei euch auch!

Priscilla said...

Oh, I would love to.

I was only there one time...when I first started to get to know D. It was night. I remember being impressed by the unusual railing for the stairway. Shortly afterwards, they moved. Now I've gotten to be closer friends with her and have gone to the house she lives in now several times.

They don't live far from you. She teaches 1st grade at the primary school.

cook4life said...

Hallo liebe Klemms,
Nette HP.
Hoff euch gehts allen gut.
Wünsch euch eine schöne Adventszeit.

Liebe Grüsse aus Dubai
