Saturday, December 16, 2006

Und nochmals Backen- Another baking adventure...

Langsam wurde es mal Zeit fuer ein paar Weihnachtsplaetzchen.Heute haben wir uns also drangemacht und ein paar Butterplaetzchen ausgestochen.Im Hintergrund spielte Weihnachtsmusik, es war schoen! Sie wurden sogar ganz gut, die Kekse!
It was about time to make a few christmas cookies, which we did today.In the background we had christmasmusic playing and it we had a nice time together.They came out pretty good, the cookies!


Priscilla said...

We are making our Christmas cookies today...don't be fooled by my blog. Those pictures are from last year. (Shhhhhh)

Dunja said...

Hah...too funny!
I am making another batch of some other ones and that will be it.